
In this day and age where digital technology and the Internet have influenced how we live and work, small business owners must have a website. This is because a lot of people spend time online searching for the products these small businesses provide, a website goes a long way to help you stand out and make more profit with an online presence.

Sadly, it is hard to believe that only 46% of small businesses have a website. This statistic is confounding when you realize people spend 6 hours daily on the Internet.

Below I have listed the benefits of a website for small businesses:

1. Improve Business Credibility

A simple way to view a website is that it is your online business address. This is where your customers, clients, and associates go to find you on the Internet.

The Home page identifies your branded value proposition, the About Us page tells visitors all about your business and the Contact Us page informs everyone how to get in touch with you.

It legitimizes your business and improves your credibility. It gives your business an identity and is virtual proof that it exists.

2. Build Your Business

Before broadband technology became widespread, websites were used primarily for marketing and informational purposes. A website functioned more like a brochure; you put one up to stay ahead of the competition. But there wasn’t much thought and purpose behind the content.

With the growth of the Internet, the influence of social media, and the popularity of mobile devices, the website has become a crucial tool to build your business.

A website is a great way to share your story; tell your audience why you started this business, your goals, and what you hope to accomplish with it.

A website gives you the platform to highlight your experience and expertise.

3. Efficient Way to Promote Your Business

If you are still using traditional forms of marketing, you are wasting valuable resources, time, and money. Traditional forms include press releases, print ads, flyers, and distribution Point-of-Purchase materials.

While still popular, traditional methods cost more money and cover less ground. It is also unsustainable; flyers, posters, print ads, and press releases usually end up in the trash can.

Online marketing is faster, more efficient, and inexpensive. There are many tools and techniques that you can use for online marketing but without a website, these strategies will fall short.

Among the most popular online marketing tools that you can use to create inbound traffic to your website:

Social Media – Of the 3.5 Billion people online every day, 2.34 Billion or 67% are on social media.

Blogging – Companies that blogged 16 times a month received 4.5 times more leads than those that blogged 0-4 posts per month.

E-mail Marketing – E-mail marketing is 40 times more effective in acquiring customers than Facebook.

Use Videos – Embed a video on your Home page. A video can deliver your messaging content faster and more efficiently than text. Video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%.

Finally, online marketing is a sustainable process. Your content will not go to waste. You can easily update it and reuse it after a few months.

4. Professionalize Your Brand

Many small business owners make the mistake of not working on their brand until they gain traction.

You have to start working on your brand before launching your business. The brand gives your business its identity and makes it easier for customers and clients to understand what it is all about.

The website is the most effective and efficient way to build and professionalize your brand:

It places your branded value proposition front and center in the Home page.

Website optimization techniques can help Internet users find your brand.

It can be distributed seamlessly through various online channels.

A professionally made website shows you are serious about your business.

5. Expand Market Reach And Coverage

If you have a school, having a website will expand your market reach and coverage. You can offer online courses in specialized subjects to people outside your jurisdiction.

For example, you are planning to introduce a school for Business Leadership training. You can create modules that can be uploaded to your website. People who sign up for your courses will be able to access the modules and undergo online learning.

6. Keep Your Business Open 24/7

Unlike a commercial establishment, the Internet doesn’t have operating hours. Your customers can find you 24/7. There are no holidays and you can “work overtime” without incurring extra costs.

Thus, a website can be an effective way to improve your customer service.

If you have chat support available, all you need is to hire customer service agents who can manage incoming inquiries and concerns, and have them addressed immediately to the right person or department of your company.

You may want to outsource customer service to another region where time zone differentials exist.

7. Find Clients

More accurately, your clients will find you.

Some well-intentioned people may advise you that you can run a business with only social media – no website needed.

That’s not true. Social media marketing is not that effective for converting sales.

Only 12.5% of consumers are enticed to purchase by a “Buy Button” on a social media page. In contrast, 60% of consumers reported that they were encouraged to purchase by an email.

Thus, email marketing is a better strategy than social media marketing for converting interest into sales.

8. Generate Leads

Lead generation is an important component of email marketing and your website is the best tool for capturing email addresses.

When someone gives you his email address, he is giving you permission to send content to his inbox. If you ask your friends, family, and network of contacts, they will gladly give you their email addresses.

What about a complete stranger? A person who just visited your website?

He will not surrender his email address to anyone without getting something of value in exchange.

With a website, you can offer a free monthly subscription to a newsletter, an e-book, or limited access to premium content.

By doing so, you add value to your business, enhance your reputation, and most importantly, gain the trust of a potential customer.

9. Manage Your Business Reputation

The website is your platform on the Internet. This is the place where you will be heard and have 100% full control over your content.

If you want an effective website or one that can help you take your business to another level, you have to be prepared to invest in one. In a survey of small business owners, 19% identified cost as another reason for foregoing a website.

A website is not an expense. It is an investment because you should expect a return on your money within a period of time.

10. You Can Share Your Address and Contact Information with Customers

Imagine that someone knows your business exists, but they’re not sure how to get there. Ideally, your website should include your full address, instructions on how to find you, and (if you’re looking for extra points) a map of the area. Armed with that information, it’s almost impossible for anyone to get lost along the way.

It’s also useful to have a place for your business phone number, email address, and other contact details. That way people can call in if they have any quick questions.

11. It Enables You to Receive Online Queries

A lot of small business owners these days prefer online queries over phone calls. It’s easy to understand why. After all, you can answer emails on your own time, and it doesn’t matter if 20 people contact you at once online you can still get to all of them.

Ideally, your website will provide visitors with multiple ways to contact you. We already mentioned that it should include your phone number and email address, but a contact form is also an excellent addition that lets customers get in touch without leaving the site. Some businesses even go as far as to set up live chat.

You have to make sure your website is professionally designed, fully functioning with fast download speed, and packed with great content.

These days, the first thing a lot of people do when they hear about a business is to look it up online. If you don’t have a website set up or at least some social media profiles you might as well not exist for all those potential clients.

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