
Landing pages help increase your conversion rates and lower your cost-per-acquisition.

The main reason they’re so good at it is that promotional or product-specific landing pages are focused on a single goal. This goal matches the intent of the ad or email visitors clicked on to reach your page.

A landing page, on the other hand, has a singular purpose: converting your website’s visitors into customers or leads.

Below are some of the reasons why you need a good landing page:

Landing pages are ideal for merchants and e-commerce marketers who have more than one SKU on the go. Even when they’ve only got a single product offering, there might be multiple contexts better represented on separate pages.

If you run a campaign across a range of channels, creating landing pages with messaging that matches the source is a must. The captivating visuals you run on Instagram, for instance, may benefit from a different headline, hero, copy, or call to action than text-based search ads.

After all, landing pages are time consuming to create, and you need a lot of them.

You might be hoping that you can get away with not using them. But the fact is the landing page is an indispensable part of marketing for lead generation.

At its core, your website only has three objectives. First, tell your story in a disruptive, compelling, and emotional way. Next to attract new visitors to your business and finally to convert those visitors into leads.

Landing pages are critical in helping you to generate leads, start a qualification process, and then move them through your sales process and into new customers.

Landing pages are your lead capture workhorse. If you have a great eBook or free workshop to promote you may want to create signup forms for most of your web pages, but your signups will soar when you create a page that details, sells, and demonstrates the benefits of acquiring your free report. A landing page with video, audio, images, descriptions, and a very intuitive call to action is a must for lead capture campaigns.

Any form of advertising will be much more effective if it is targeted to a page that contains nothing but content that supports the message in your ads. The more relevant the page to the ad, the more effective. Smart marketers constantly experiment with ad and landing page combinations, including creating keyword-optimized pages for specific groups of PPC ads.

There are many resources geared towards helping you create landing pages, but a favorite at the moment is Copyblogger’s Premise. If you run your entire website on WordPress, Premise is a WordPress landing page plugin that gives you total flexibility in the creation of landing pages. The tool includes predesigned configurations for sales pages and opt-in pages and is very easy to configure and style. A tool like Premise is a must if you plan to take today’s advice to heart.

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